How Can I Attract My Ideal Clients (And Stop Attracting Time Vampires?)

Have you ever got talking to someone new and felt, after only a couple of meetings, like you’ve known them for years?

Like they’re just somehow ‘on your wave-length’? (There’s a scientific reason for that – they really are! We naturally attract the people to us who are on the same vibrational level. But that’s an article for another day!)

Have you ever noticed how you naturally resonate with the characters from certain books, films or songs? As though their story is one you’ve somehow lived yourself?

The same is true for your brand. Branding isn’t just about having a fancy logo to spark recognition.

It’s the emotional appeal you create to others – whether that’s with a logo, the way you speak or your physical presence.

Whether you like it or not, as an entrepreneur, you DO have a brand – even if you don’t know what it is!

As men and women who ARE our business, we naturally put across certain traits, values and language when we speak to our clients (and potential clients) – even if we don’t mean to!

And so it’s essential that you understand what you want your brand to be, what it stands for and how to get that across properly to people.

Ever feel like you’re not attracting your ideal clients? Ever wondered why?!

Maybe people are getting the wrong idea about you.

Some entrepreneurs try to avoid this problem altogether by being totally devoid of any personalisation – you see this a lot in online marketing where the aim is hands-off, recurring revenue generation.

Have a look at some of your competitors’ websites – I’ll bet you’ll find many are created from some kind of template and they can have a fairly impersonal, corporate feel to them.

Everything looks the same – same services listed, same stock photos, same red headlines, same red arrows, same font…it can be very difficult to work out the kind of people you’re dealing with and thus, many people who try to market purely online find it difficult to get the results they really want.

They lack that ‘know, like and trust’ factor that smaller business owners need to encourage people to engage with them.

Doing good work and being honest and reliable (which seen to be the go-to phrases for most business owners) are worthy characteristics. But let’s be realistic, it’s charisma and personality that make a person – and their business – succeed.

However, get it wrong and this can also be totally counter-productive. Because potential clients can get entirely the wrong idea about the kind of person you are from the marketing you do.

One of the reasons video is proving so successful when marketing on social media is that your potential clients can see you. They can hear how you speak, the kinds of words you use, your tone of voice.

You might find it really uncomfortable getting used to the idea of speaking to a virtual audience but think about it – if your personality, your approach and your voice are already out there, you know that people who still approach you really like YOU. And want to work with YOU.

Which is why when I work with clients on creating their authentic signature brand, I include the amazing power of archetypes.

It prevents potential clients being drawn in to marketing you might be producing that isn’t really ‘you’, and then finding out they’re dealing with someone completely different and backing off.

(Usually after you’ve spent a good amount of time ‘nurturing’ them while they decide whether they want to work with you or not (I call these ‘Time Vampires’ because they will suck out your time as well as your energy 🙂 )

So what is an archetype?

Archetypes are well-established character types that exist in each one of us and have long permeated the essence of who we are.

Archetypes define our personality and our values and when you reflect your own archetype in your personal branding, your ideal clients are drawn to you.

Your audience can connect with who you are rather than just what you do (which may be the same as thousands of other business owners).

There are dozens of different archetypes and they’re often used in therapy and healing. I focus on just 12 in branding a business like yours.

What’s important to know is that each archetype: Alchemist, Maverick, Humanitarian, Artist, Nurturer, Jester, Romantic, Innocent, Hero, Ruler, Explorer and Teacher has it’s own meaning, personality, values, strengths, likes and dislikes and sense of mission.

What this means for you is that when you brand your business with the stunningly accurate power of archetypes, you immediately make your marketing easier and incredibly exciting because you’ll (finally!) clearly communicate who you are and what you’re all about to your audience.

Branding With Archetypes dives deep into the heart and soul of who you are. We see this shining through in highly successful people who’ve turned who they are into a brand they love.

Here are 3 examples to show you exactly what I mean:

Example: Angelina Jolie, Actress

Can you guess which archetype Angelina is? Well, in her early twenties Angelina was known for being a Rebel and she is still a voice for challenging authority (through the Jolie-Pitt Foundation she fights against global issues of injustice such as immigration, sexual violence and rape).

However, she channels most of her energy now through her true archetype of Humanitarian and is passionate about helping those less fortunate than herself. She is a special envoy for the United Nations and is noted for her extensive work in poorer countries of the world.

Example: Oprah Winfrey

What is Oprah’s speciality? Transformation! Oprah takes the raw material of life and turns it into something amazing through her charitable work and makeovers.

Her archetype is the Alchemist – the archetype of change and transformation.

Her message is clear and consistent: with enough determination ANYONE can live their best life.

Example: Me! Emma Hague

As a Ruler archetype (with some influence of the Hero) I’m passionate about taking control of my own future and creating a prosperous and successful family and community.

I’m a northern girl and tend to say it like it is!

I strongly believe that we are in control of (and responsible for) how our lives turn out and I’m passionate about helping others achieve the results they desire.

It’s important that I don’t attract clients looking for too much of a softly, softly, touchy, feely approach becasue that’s just not ‘me’ – I’m interested in helping people get the results they want quickly, not letting them off every week because their hamster’s died or the kids were off school or they’ve had a cold.

So it’s important I try to get that across in the words I use and the content I put out.

And I have the same wish for you and your business.

Which is why in my trainings we focus on how your brand is your personal archetype expressed through your business.

It’s personality that separates the ordinary from the extraordinary. Archetypes give you a highly creative yet easily structured way to create a brand rich with emotion and personality – one that’s authentic and unique to YOU.

To find out how to learn use your Signature and Influencing Archetypes to build your own authentic brand AND get your hands on my gorgeous Branding With Archetypes® Cards, check out my Ignite Mastermind & Coaching Programme at

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